A short story of :

Fraternité Haïti des Trois Lacs

During a three-month stay in Haiti, Marie-Éliane Wart discovered the misery and poverty of a proud, courageous and happy people, despite the adversities they live every day. Listening only to her heart, Marie-Éliane decided to get involved with the Little Sisters of Ste-Thérèse in the community of Papaye and founded Fraternité Haïti des Trois Lacs to help these most vulnerable children.

Twenty years later, Fraternité Haïti des Trois Lacs supports 4 orphanages / schools located in 4 different villages and sponsorships have increased from 8 to more than 200.

The Fraternity is also involved in emergency situations such as raising special funds during the earthquake of 2010, as well as after Hurricane Matthew in 2016 where more than $ 80,000 were collected to rebuild.

Several times a year, at their own expense, the members of the Board of Directors, accompanied by volunteers, visit each of the sites in Haïti.


Meet The Board

The Board  is made up of 10 members.

They are elected during the General Assembly for a term of 2 years and all act on a voluntary basis without any remuneration.

Fraternité Haïti des Trois Lacs has no paid employees.

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Christiane Malenfant, president

Ms. Christiane Malenfant, was a policewoman with the Montreal City Police Service for more than twenty eight years, retiring in 2011. Ms. Malenfant completed four missions to Haiti for the United Nations including two, to the community of Jérémie.

It was there in 2005 that Ms. Malenfant met Pastor Honoré Guerrier. A lengthy and close collaboration began with the goal of helping the children of Emmanuel orphanage. She became a key player in the construction of the new orphanage and the ensuing relocation of the children.

Continuing to this day, Ms. Malenfant, accompanied by volunteers, makes trips per year to Emmanuel orphanage.  These trips are made to ensure completion of new facilities, continued improvements on the safety, well being and quality of life of the children.

Thanks to the generous donors and their donations, Ms. Malenfant meet the needs of these beautiful children as far as clothing, shoes, food, medication, games and school supplies while continuing to expand the orphanage with a new kitchen, toilets, showers and lately, a multifunctional pavilion.

Ms. Malenfant got involved with Fraternité Haïti des Trois Lacs in 2013 and was elected president in 2015.

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Marie-Éliane Wart, Présidente honoraire et fondatrice

Originaire de la Belgique, Marie-Éliane Wart est la 9ème d’une famille de 11 enfants. Elle a immigré au Québec en 1962, a 4 enfants et de nombreux petits-enfants.

Elle débuta sa carrière de travailleuse sociale à Valleyfield en 1967 et obtenu son baccalauréat en service social de l’Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM) en 1982.

En janvier 2000, après une carrière de 32 ans, Mme Wart réalisa son premier voyage humanitaire en Haïti. Elle se rendit à Papaye chez les Petites Sœurs de Ste-Thérèse pour un séjour de 3 mois.

Dès son retour au Québec, elle a investi temps et énergie dans la recherche de parrainages pour les jeunes haïtiens dans le besoin, leur permettant d'aller à l'école et d'avoir un meilleur avenir.

Elle a fondé Fraternité Haïti des Trois Lacs, qui a ensuite obtenu le statut d'organisation de bienfaisance reconnue aux deux niveaux de gouvernement. Sous sa direction, le nombre de parrainages est passé de dix à près de 200.

Elle a occupé le poste de présidente jusqu'en 2015. Mme Wart a été nommée Présidente honoraire lors de l’Assemblée générale annuelle en octobre 2022, elle siège toujours au sein du conseil d’administration en tant qu’administratrice, responsable des parrainages à Papaye.

Manon Landry


Claude Malenfant



Nicole Viau


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Susan Grant


Benoit Guyaux



 Exceptional Members and Collaborators

Membres exceptionnels Carmen Simard Responsable des parrainages pour Petite-Rivi_re de l'Artibonite (1).jpg

Carmen Simard, Exceptional Member